Sunday, April 22, 2012

Drink Your Frog

We spent a couple days in Maine this past week, and one of the highlights of the trip for me was shopping at the Royal River Natural Foods store in Freeport (yes, I guess that makes me a bit of a food geek).  Really, the ocean and family time were lovely too!  Anyway...I tried to limit my purchases to those that I hadn't seen in our own local co-op, keeping in mind the storage/cooler space in the already-full Trailblazer...and when I checked out I realized most of my purchases were sweet treats (hey, it's vacation!), like this...

(think "Mounds" - MMMM!)

and this...

and a couple packages of Liz Lovely cookies (made in I buy them in ME?)

I also splurged on a new eco-friendly cutting board (that you'll notice as the lovely brown underdrop in the ingredients pic below), some doggy bug spray, natural sunscreen, lavender oil (supposedly good for keeping ticks away)...I can't remember what else...but mostly sweets.

Oh...and this...a kombucha-based cherry juice/chia seed drink:

This bottle is empty now, of course, but when I got it out of the bag and started drinking it in the car, my husband said "whatcha got there, baby?....frog eggs?"  He knows better (but then, nothing would surprise him these days), but he did have a point.  It did look like bottled frog eggs floating in pinkish water. 

We went on to wonder if the frogs would be laying earlier this year with the unusually mild winter and spring we've had, and how frog eggs are so nostalgic for me.  I remember gathering some into a mason jar with my dad when I was little and moving them to a spring close to our house so we could watch their progress.  I guess I've always loved the nature of eggs, of any kind.

I digress... 

The ingredients of this drink were very basic, so I thought...why not try making at home?  I know nothing about kombucha, however, which was apparently the star of the show here.  So I use regular ol' tea, juice, water, and of course chia seeds. 

If you think your palate might have textural issues with the chia seeds, I urge you to give it a try anyway...they are so soft and smooth after soaking that it's really not all that odd feeling once you get a few swigs in.  And I actually like the flavor of my concoction better than the storebought version too.  But if you're still thinking it'll be "hard to swallow," how about swallowing these facts:  Chia has more than 8 times the amount of omega-3s as salmon, more antioxidants than blueberries, and more fiber than oatmeal!  I say, drink up!

I've made about 3 batches since we've been home, using different juices and teas, so play with it and see what you like.  This is my favorite medley to date:

Makes two 8-oz servings.

1-1/2 cups warm water
2 Tbsp chia seeds
1/2 cup organic apple juice
1 bag oolong tea

Pour the warm water into a glass container (that has a cover).  Add the chia seeds, and screw the cover on tightly.  You'll want to shake the container intermittently throughout this whole process; otherwise the seeds will form into clumps as they soften and gel up.

 Add the juice and the tea bag, and cover again.  Shake some more.  Put the container in the fridge. 

This of course tastes best after a few hours, but overnight is best.  So tomorrow take your jar on a walk...and enjoy the sight of those real frog eggs, pussy willows, fiddleheads, and peepers.  Happy spring!

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