Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Key" Lime Pancakes

I LOVE key lime pie...and lemon pie...and lemon curd...and lemon see the pattern.  A week or two ago I was trying out a Secret Agent Key Lime Pudding (remember the chocolate pudding using avocados?).   My 8-yr-old loves lime and lemon as much as I do.  My first attempt at the pudding wasn't nearly puckery/limey enough, but plenty yummy...a work in progress.  One afternoon in particular, said daughter and I were peering into the fridge for a snack.  The conversation went like this:

Me:  "Ooh, I'm going to have some avocado pudding."
Her:  "Avocado?!  Mom!"
Me:  "Uh...did I say avocado?  I meant LIME...I was just looking at the avocados in the fridge, so that's what came out of my mouth...heh"

We giggled as we spooned the last bit of the container into our mouths...such a silly mommy...what a ridiculous notion THAT would be...ha ha...he he...hmm. 


Anyway, I never did get around to testing more pudding, but the other night I decided pancakes were the answer to what's for dinner.  I had seem a lemon poppyseed pancake recipe on Pinterest (not vegan), so my wheels started spinning...that would-be pudding could be made into a sauce/curd as a topping.  This is what I came up with, and they were DELICIOUS! if I do say so myself.  Daughter loved the sauce, but turned her nose up at the pancakes because I put the much-dreaded coconut in them, forgetting coconut is one of the trillion foods she claims to dislike. 

Note:  I call this recipe "key" lime pancakes, even though I actually use regular persian limes...I just think the phrase "key lime" gives the reader a better notion of what's being created (the pie flavor).  If you have regular access to real key limes, have at it!

The Sauce:
5 persian limes
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 avocado
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt

Zest the limes and set aside. 
Juice the limes - you should end up with about a 1/2 cup.*
In a food processor, blend the lime juice, syrup, avocado, salt, and vanilla until smooth and well blended.

*Note:  Limes are LA-BOR-I-OUS to juice.  I find if I take a knife to each half, slicing some of the internal membranes, it makes the task of squishing against the juicer a lot easier.  Make sure you save the pulp that collects too, because it'll be added  to the pancake batter.

The Pancakes (makes about a dozen):
2 cups spelt flour
1/2 cup millet flour
4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
6 packets stevia (I use Sweet Leaf)
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup shredded coconut
Zest and pulp of the 5 limes
1/4 cup coconut oil
2 cups coconut-almond milk
2/3 cup water
2 tsp vanilla
Raspberries and/or blueberries, optional

Mix dry ingredients, and then add the wet.  Whisk well. 

Drop batter by 1/4-cupfuls onto a hot oiled skillet.  Cook a couple minutes on each side, until slightly browned and cooked through. 

I made a couple with blueberries and a couple with raspberries and left some plain as well.  My favorites were the plain and raspberry. 

Top pancakes with the lime sauce.  I toasted some coconut for sprinkling on the top as well.


Nom nom nom!

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