Thursday, February 16, 2012

Food of Love OR Crusty Bread

This bread is my favorite to make, and most people's favorite to eat.  My father-in-law goes out of his way to request it.  It's great to make on a snow day or weekend, as there is a lot of rise time. 

It's light and lofty on the inside and golden and crusty on the outside.  It's simplistic, and it's beautiful.

This makes two large gorgeous loaves.  You'll need:

2-1/4 tsp yeast
1 cup warm water

2 cups warm water
1 Tbsp salt
7 cups AP flour (I've used wheat as well - just use a little less and/or more water)

In a mixer bowl (I use my KitchenAid) dissolve yeast in 1 cup of water.  Let fester for 5 minutes. 
Meanwhile dissolve the salt in 2 cups of water.

Add the salty water to the mixer bowl along with 5 cups of flour.  Mix, adding the last 2 cups of flour as needed to make a workable dough. 

Let the mixer do some of the kneading, and then turn onto a floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic.

Lightly coat mixer bowl and return dough.  Flip so the top is coated.  Cover bowl and let rise in a warm spot for about 40 minutes, until doubled.

Punch down dough and knead another  5 minutes.  Divide in half. 

Return to bowl, rolling each in oil again (so they'll come apart easy after rising).  Cover bowl and let rise another 40 minutes, until doubled.

Sprinkle cornmeal on baking stone or pan.

Place the two oblong-shaped pieces of dough on top.   Cover.

Let rise until doubled again (don't let it overflow the baking stone). 

Preheat oven to 375.

Brush the tops with melted Earth Balance butter.  Then cut a slash in each (I use a porcelain paring knife). 

Bake for about 45 minutes. 

Keep one loaf for your family, and share the other.  Food (warm crusty bread especially) is love!

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