Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Iced Cut-Out Cookies

Ok, so you probably don't have time to whip these up now that Valentines Day is almost over...unless you're going to spend the evening with your sweetie in the kitchen.  If not, St. Patty's day and Easter are coming up...plenty of time to shine up those clover and bunny cookie cutters.  I only make these twice a year, for V-Day and for Christmas.  I'm a bit of a Valentines humbug (I prefer my lovin' all year 'round), but I do LOVE to celebrate the day kiddy-style.  So I made a double batch of these and sent them off to school with the girls this morning for their classmates.

This made 2 dozen 3-inch heart cookies, but the amount of course will vary with your cutters.

The Cookies
1-1/2 cups Earth Balance butter
2/3 cups sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp lemon or orange juice
3 cups AP flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder

In a mixer bowl, beat the butter, sugar, vanilla, and juice until fluffy. 
In a separate bowl mix together the dry ingredients, and then add to the wet mixture until a cohesive dough forms. 

Wrap and fridge for at least an hour.

Roll out on a lightly floured surface (flour the top too).  You want about a 1/4-inch thickness, and cut out.

Preheat the oven to 350.  Place the cookies on a parchment-lined baking sheet and chill for 10 minutes or so....in the fridge, freezer, or the great out-of-doors (make sure the dog is in).

Then bake for 12 minutes, or until the bottoms are golden.  Remove to wire rack, and cool completely.

The Icing:
2 cups confectioner's sugar
3 Tbsp nondairy milk
1-1/2 Tbsp brown rice syrup (or corn syrup)
1/2 tsp extract (I use a combo of vanilla and fiori di sicilia {think creamsicle})

Beat with an electric mixer until glossy.
Spread the icing on.  I like to use a small offset spatula.  Or you can dip the cookie in the icing if the shape is sturdy enough.  Then decorate as you wish (yours will be prettier because you won't be rushing like me at the 11th hour). 

Let the icing set a few hours or overnight before packaging or stacking.

To quote a friend this morning, I hope your Valentine's "is full of sweetness in all forms!"

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