Monday, January 16, 2012

January Juice

The first thing that comes to mind after you've come inside from winter outdoor activity (8 degrees here today) is probably not a tall glass of cool fresh juice, but after a week of seemingly living on refined carbs (remember the muffins?  the sticky buns?  the English muffins? oh and there was pizza in there too that wasn't post-worthy) my body was all but screaming for it today.   And really, my skin is DRY.  The bitter cold just sucks the life out of it, so in reality I'm thinking a big honkin glass of juice is just what the proverbial doctor ordered.  I also read the other day that eating a lot of, and a good mixture of, fresh fruits and veggies actually can improve your hair and skin's pigment. I'm all for not being glow-in-the-dark white in January, but that's just me.

So after my jog this afternoon I showered, I lotioned, and I dusted off (literally) my juicer.  I don't juice a lot because I don't like to waste all the fiber it leaves behind.  Mine is just a simple department store-variety juicer, not one of the 500-dollar ones that I so enviously wish I could splurge on - that macerates the seeds, the peels, the stems, the everything - leaving virtually nothing behind.  When I do use my juicer I usually plan on making muffins with the pulpy leftovers, but that would be getting back into the refined carbs cycle again.  So I chose some low-refuse produce for today's.

Here's what I used from my fridge this afternoon:

1 peeled pink grapefruit (one of two that my daughter asked me to buy thinking she LOVED them, but then after a few bites, realized that really wasn't the case)
3 large organic carrots
1/2 an English cucumber
1 organic apple

The tie-dye effect in the glass is so pretty...but prompts me to hum Grateful Dead tunes.

Sorry hot cocoa.  Sorry coffee.  Sorry tea.  Maybe tomorrow.

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