Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Oatmeal Pancakes - It's What's for Dinner

You knew I couldn't stay away from the carbs for very long.  But honestly, it was just the three of us girls home last night, with basketball being canceled and hubby out sanding the iced-over roads.  Pancakes were just comforting and easy [and the girls didn't want curried collard leftovers (wha!?)]

Probably 15 years ago my best friend gave me a jar of dry oatmeal pancake ingredients, with the recipe.  I made them and couldn't imagine ever eating another boring ol' white pancake again!  I made jars up in later years for bridal showers, for teacher's gifts at holiday time, etc; and all the recipients raved about them.  But I haven't made them in a very very long time for myself. 

So I dug into my old recipe drawer that never sees the light of day anymore (my most-used recipes reside on my fridge) and looked the card over.  Easy enough to veganize and lighten up a bit, so here ya go...

Oatmeal Pancakes (makes 10)

1 cup oats
1/2 cup AP flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
2 Tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp salt

2 Tbsp flax seed mixed with 1/3 cup water
2 Tbsp oil

1-1/4 cup almond milk

Berries (optional)

Mix dry ingredients in a bowl.  In a separate bowl mix flax seed mixture and oil, then add to dry mixture alternately with the milk.

Pour batter by 1/4-cupfuls onto a lightly greased hot griddle on low/med heat.  Sprinkle berries over tops and press in a bit.

Turn after 2 minutes.  Cook another 2 minutes or so, til browned on both sides.

My youngest is a blueberry freak, and my older daughter opted for raspberries.  But a thinly sliced apple would rock with the oats and brown sugar, if you had one on your counter.

Top with Earth Balance butter and maple syrup, and snuggle up on the couch for the evening.


  1. Ahhh, Pancakes from the Pantry! I haven't made these in a long time either (but while cleaning the basement I did find a whole box full of the fancy jars that I used to gift it all those years ago!) Emily would opt for choco chips and I go for plain.

  2. Keegan's standard is choco chips too, but sadly, the pantry was vacant of them!
