Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rehab Lunch

The experts tell us that we should replenish our bodies within an hour after exercise. This usually falls in line with a late lunch for me, since I get my run in around that time of day. Liquid goes through our systems quicker, therefore nourishing quicker. The experts like to change their opinions seemingly week to week, but this bit makes sense to me.

So, herein lies the smoothie. I generally would rather chew my calories, but every now and again a smoothie just hits the spot, and you can cram a lot of nutrient goodness into a tasty drink that wouldn't necessarily be as appealing on a fork. This is the one I've been making most recently:

1 cup baby spinach
1 cup frozen berries
1 frozen banana
1 cup non-dairy milk (I used almond and coconut today)
2-3 Tbsp of a combo of hemp and chia seeds
1 tsp spirulina (optional)

In the early days of smoothie making I would just blend until there were no big chunks, worrying that I'd burn up that little motor in my blender. I had no reason to fear. They're tough. And you really want to pulverize it, for a good 2 minutes, til it's nice and velvety smooth.

Pour it into a glass that makes you happy.

I grabbed a couple fig almond rolls for a little extra sumpin' sumpin'.

When you've slurped your last, why not rinse out your straw to be reused again? We're far from a Green household, but I figure every little bit helps...

Banana tip: When your counter bananas fall to the dark side, just toss them, peel and all, into the freezer til you're ready to use them in a smoothie or bread, etc.

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